Welcome to 少年Ram応援団!
Hi! This is Ram's Masterfile, a collation of the many passion projects I've started over the years. I had the idea of making a hub for these miscellaneous projects for a while, and what started out as a long iOS Notes app list turned into a Google Sheets spreadsheet, which will now further turn into a website hosted here on Neocities! I'll eventually make a dedicated email to house all my interests for this website, but for now, I'll use my personal email at hebronraphael@gmail.com.
I'll have a lot of archives up and linked to this site, so you can find all of them by following the blue links in the left column, but they should also be below these paragraphs if you're viewing the site on mobile. I'll categorize them thoroughly once I have a comfortable amount of archives. Just like everything else, I'll focus on function over style!
The site is still under development, so expect a lot of dead ends and an even bigger lot of nothing. Please be patient until I can get this site up and running to be functional (I'm mostly speaking to myself). I'm also using this site to re-learn programming, so expect a lot of HTML and CSS (essentially Web 1.0) development before any fancy JavaScript functions show up.
Enjoy your stay!